EC Security today announced the launch of a first of its kind mobile app created with the express purpose of addressing the ever increasing need to improve the overall safety and security of residential neighborhoods. This app, available to both EC Security clients and non-clients, will share relevant news, safety and security alerts, and allow people to contribute information to the app that will be moderated and shared with their peers via the app.

EC Security Chief Executive Officer, Eugene Coetzee, believes it is in everyone’s interest to participate in making local communities safer. “Over the years we have seen a marked increase in the need for safety and security information by all our customers and the community at large. We’ve also noticed how many different information platforms and forums have emerged. Our aim with this app is to create a single information hub that will contribute to everyone’s improved safety and security.”

The app which is free to download and use, will include regionally specific information for the following areas; Weltevreden Park, Little Falls, Randpark Ridge, Wilgeheuwel, Allens Nek, Constantia Kloof, Fairlands, Boskruin, Strubensvalley, Radiokop and Honeydew and will include many more functionalities such as quick access to emergency contact numbers.

“We have strong relationships with all emergency services as well as many of our peers in the Safety and Security Industry but it is our alliances with industry experts such as Vitalmed that ensure we are not only able to provide excellent security response but medical rescue services – now at the touch of a button through our app,” says Coetzee.

Coetzee explains that while most of the services in the app will be available to clients and non-clients alike, EC Security clients will enjoy a few extra value-added benefits. For example, clients may qualify for a maximum of two “meet-and-greets” where a guard will see to their safe transition to/from home between 23h00 and 04h00 with 24 hour notice. In a personal emergency, they will be able to send their location and cell number to the EC Security state-of-art control room which will solicit a phone call and relevant response depending on the nature and location of the emergency. Full details on how to qualify for these benefits, and how exactly they work can be found in the app.

This app is now available for download on Apple and Android devices and once downloaded, Coetzee suggests all EC Security customers registers themselves and their loved ones to ensure their information is loaded onto the system for precise response in the unlikely event of a personal emergency. He further encourages non-clients to download the app as well. “The safety and security of our area is an ongoing, all-inclusive endeavour and we make no distinction between clients and non-clients when it comes to ensuring everyone is well informed,” concludes Coetzee.

Download the app now on Apple or Android via the QR code.


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