Leaving to go on holiday can be exciting; however, there are quite a few things that need to be arranged before the exciting adventure can begin. In order to make life a little easier for you, we have compiled the ultimate holiday security checklist to help ensure that you leave your home as secure as possible when going on holiday.


Ensure that your house looks occupied (Some of these steps are optional)

  • Set timers on your lights
  • Hang washing on your clothes line
  • Ensure that your voicemail message does not state you are away on holiday
  • Ensure that all tools that can be used to break into your home is removed from the garden
  • Turn down the volume of your telephone’s ringtone
  • Don’t post your holiday plans on social media

Get a family member, neighbour or friend you trust to keep an eye on things. Request that they:

  • Check in on a regular basis
  • Contact the police or security company should they notice anything suspicious
  • Collect your mail
  • Enter and leave your home at regular intervals to ensure constant activity
  • Give a spare key to this person
  • Provide your security passcodes only to the person you trust above anyone else
  • Should you be a part of a neighbourhood watch group, request that they keep additional watch on your home


  • Ensure that your alarm system is in working order
  • Ensure that all remotes have fully functional batteries in them
  • Explain the alarm procedure to the person who will be looking after your home
  • Notify your security company that you will be away on holiday

Doors and Windows

  • Ensure that all doors and windows are firmly locked
  • Make sure that there are no makeshift ladders or easily accessible entry points to second story rooms
  • Make sure that your sensor lights are in working order


  • Ensure that your car is in a safe location and all windows and doors are closed and locked
  • Make sure that no valuables are visible from the street
  • Close your curtains, however, keep slight natural gaps in few of them to create the impression that there is still someone at home
  • Hide all of your valuable items such as PCs, hard drives and other electronics in more difficult to reach locations
  • Make sure that any spare keys are kept in a safe and hidden location
  • Place jewellery and other small precious items in a safe location
  • Unplug all of your electronics to ensure that they do not suffer any damage in case of a power failure or power surge

Do you think you can add to this list? Connect with us on social media and share your safety tips with others. We would love to hear from you!


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